Sunday, February 27, 2011

What specific items ought to be listed on a report card that is used to evaluate a federal bureaucracy?

This will depend a great deal on what sort of a
bureaucratic agency we are talking about.  The specifics will have to have a lot to do
with what kind of service it is supposed to provide.  For example, the Army's report
card would very different components than that of the

A report card would have to have items that show how
well the agency is accomplishing its mission.  This would assume that its mission is
well defined.  So, for the IRS, it would presumably include such things what percentage
of taxes due have actually been collected.  There would also need to be some measure of
how well it treats its customers.  This, though, would have to be done on the basis of

Finally, I would think that you would need to have
some sort of way of measuring efficiency.  You would need to have a metric for how much
the agency accomplishes relative to how much money it

Overall, this would all be very difficult to do
objectively.  For example, how do we actually measure the IRS's efficiency?  How do we
know how much money should be spent on it?  How do we know how much its customers should
like it?

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