Friday, March 29, 2013

Is Atticus an example of a static or dynamic character in part one of To Kill a Mockingbird?

In literature, a dynamic character experiences some change
in personality or attitude; this change is one that usually involves more than a mere
change in surroundings or condition.  On the other hand, static charcters remain the
same throughout a narrative and do not develop or change beyond the way in which they
are first presented. Harper Lee's character of Atticus Finch in To Kill a
 is a static character, for although Scout's and Jem's attitudes
about their father change, he remains essentially the same throughout the

Atticus Finch exhibits the same fortitude
in the courtroom that he demonstrates when he shoots the rabid dog earlier in the
narrative.  He exercises the principle of looking at things from others' points of view
throughout the novel, as well.  For instance, in the early part of the narrative,
Atticus admonishes the children to respect Boo Radley's privacy and strange ways.  Then,
in the final chapter, Atticus again acknowledges the importance of respecting Boo
Radley's privacy by concurring with Heck Tate's judgment regarding the death of Bob
Ewell.  Respectful of Miss Caroline, Scout's teacher, and of Mrs. Dubose and all his
other neighbors, Atticus Finch extends this same respect later, even to the perjurer,
Mayella Ewell.  Always, Atticus is constant in his courage and

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