Monday, October 24, 2011

In Brave New World, how did the return from the reservation change Bernard's life?

Having not only braved the world of the savages in the
Reservation but also survived and bringing one of them back with him who was sired by
the Director of Hatcheries greatly changes Bernard's life. Before his position in his
caste was questioned, and he was even threatened by the self-same Director of Hatcheries
with being transported because he was not sufficiently infantile enough. However, when
he returns, the text makes it clear that his life is


It was John, then, they were all after. And as
it was only through Bernard, his accredited guardian, that John could be seen, Bernard
now found himself, for the first time in his life, treated not merely normally, but as a
person of outstanding importance. There was no more talk of the alcohol in his
blood-surrogate, no gibes at his personal appearance... As for the women, Bernard had
only to hint at the possibility of an invitation, and he could have whichever of them he

It is clear then that
Bernard's relationship with John gives him star-status and transforms him from a lowly
person who everyone avoided and gossiped about to someone who was sought after and
courted by the rich and famous.

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