Sunday, October 16, 2011

What is the geography of Germany?I'm doing a history exam on Germany and one of the requirements is to know the geography (my teacher doesn't want...

According to the Volume
,published by The Soutwestern Company of
Nashville, Tennessee, Germany is divided geographically.  Northern Germany is low and
flat, while southern Germany is hilly and of complex relief.  The North German Plain,
south of a low, sandy northern costline, is low and dotted with swamps and lakes,
especially in the northeast.  Toward the interior are hummocks and low

The elevation begins to rise in central Germany, the
Mittelland, a region of uplands with plateaus and low mountains broken by broad river
valleys.  Thes uplands rise into the Bohemian forest, the Black Forest, and the Bavarian
Plateau until, near the southern border, the Alps reach almost 10,000

Several major European rivers cross Germany. The
Rhine, with its tributaries, including the Main and Moselle, the Ems; the Weser; and the
Elbe all flow through central Germany, many into the North Sea.  The Oder crosses into
the Baltic.  The Danube and the Inn drain souther Germany and flow toward the Black
Sea.  The Rhine is also a well-known river as the city of Bonn is located near it.  The
two major bodies of water that Germany borders are the Baltic Sea and the North

Germany's climate it located in the world's temperate
zone.  Warm ocean currents moderate the cold of the far north, and high elevations
counteract warmer tendencies toward the south.  Winter temperatures average below 20F in
the south and about 30F in the north.  Summer temperatures average in the mid-60's
throughout the country   Rainfall is moderate, averaging about 30inches for the country
as a whole.  Germany is bordered by France Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Sweden.

There is additional
information at the site below.

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