Monday, October 17, 2011

What are the 3 stages of Winston's re-integration in 1984?

I had to edit your question because we can only answer one
per entry.

The three stages I see of Winston's
re-integration are these:

1. TORTURE: In the Ministry of
Love, Winston is beaten and tortured for an indetermined amount of time. Throughout this
process, sometimes he and O'Brien talk, other times it seems a regular task of the

2. BRAINWASHING: Up until this point, Winston hung
onto his rational mind. From this point forward, Winston comes to accept every falsehood
he previously knew as true. This occured in Room 101 when Winston allowed a complete
turn on Julia before they tortured him more with the rat cage over his head. We see that
this has come full circle when the mother he used to think fondly of he thinks he sees
and could care less. We see this when he accepts that 2 + 2 =

3. LOVE OF BIG BROTHER: The Party will accept nothing
but total and complete allegiance. We see this at the very end when Winston fully and
completely realizes his love for Big Brother.

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