Thursday, January 20, 2011

Describe how Jon in "Civil Peace" and Sylvia in "The Lesson," are able to rise above their circumstances?

[The stories' meanings may be perceived in different ways
by different people. The best references I can give are specific examples from each

In Toni Bamabara's short story "The Lesson," and
Chinua Achebe's "Civil Peace," both protagonists are able to rise above their

The biggest difference is the age of the two
protagonists: Jon is a husband and father, and Sylvia is still just a

Sylvia understands Miss Moore's "lesson," but she
won't admit it.


"You sound angry, Sylvia. Are you mad about
something?" Givin me one of them grins like she tellin a grown-up joke that never turns
out to be funny. And she's lookin very closely at me like maybe she plannin to do my
portrait from memory. I'm mad, but I won't give her that satisfaction. So I slouch
around the store bein very bored and say, "Let's

As they travel home,
Sylvia thinks about the trip to the store able to put things in


I'm thinkin about this tricky toy I saw in the
store. A clown that somersaults on a bar then does chin-ups just cause you yank lightly
at his leg. Cost $35...Thirty-five dollars could buy new bunk beds for Junior and
Gretchen's boy. Thirty-five dollars and the whole household could go visit Grand-daddy
Nelson in the country. Thirty-five dollars would pay for the rent and the piano bill

After their day out,
Sugar runs ahead; Sylvia takes her time to think. "Democracy" does not apply to
everyone: this concept has grabbed Sugar and Sylvia's attention, but it will take time
before Sylvia can act on this knowledge. However, she does not whine that she cannot
have what others have. Her realization strengthens her determination to one day rise
above her poverty. She says:


But ain't nobody gonna beat me at

In "Civil Peace," Jon
has the ability to change his world, for which he feels blessed. During the Nigerian
Civil War, he and his family could have lost much more than they

Achebe writes:


Jonathan Iwegbu counted himself extra-ordinarily
lucky. 'Happy survival!' meant so much more to him than just a current fashion of
greeting...It went deep to his

Examples of Jon making
the best of his situation include:

  • Jon uses his
    bike as a taxi to make money.

  • The family returns to their
    home to find it still standing.

  • The family works together
    to make more money to repair the house.

  • Jon opens a bar
    for the soldiers in his house because he cannot go back to his job as a miner, and many
    others have not been so lucky.

When the thieves
attempt to rob Jon and his family, Jon calls for help, but no one comes—they are too
afraid. Facing the danger of the men (toward not just Jon, but his entire family as
well), Jon only has the "egg-rashers" which he just newly received; otherwise, his money
is gone. Jon gives what he has to the men and they

The next day, the neighbors express their regret for
his loss. He explains that he had never depended upon what was taken, so it doesn't
worry him. He feels, again, lucky that things were not

Both Sylvia and Jon have forward-thinking attitudes.
Sylvia is too young to do anything now, but is committed to succeed one day, and remain
strong. Jon is older, and he can do things to improve his and his
family's lot in life, and does so with thankfulness: he continues to feel greatly

Both protagonists work to rise above their
circumstances: Jon with thanksgiving, Sylvia with resolve.

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