Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Does the character Emily fit in the gothic tradition and why?

One aspect of Southern Gothic is defined by attention to
the macabre, and Emily in "A Rose for Emily" certainly would fulfill this aspect of the
literary tradition.  The obvious point to prove it is her keeping Homer's dead body in
the upstairs room for close to forty years, but it is the more subtle macabre details of
the story that really enhance this story's belonging in this

Consider the

1.  the long hair on the pillow, suggesting that
she was sleeping with the dead body of Homer for several years after his

2.  Her unwillingness to let the town bury her dead
father -- indicating an inability to accept change and also showing a lack of typical
reaction to a dead body.

3.  The decay of her home, and its
being eyesore even surrounded by buildings that are

4.  The dust and disuse of her home as mentioned
in section 1 and 5 of the story.

5.  The Negro man whose
voice has "grown dusty with disuse."

6.  The mysterious
smell around her house that the townspeople came to spread lime for (we realize later
was Homer's dead body.)

7.  The demand for arsenic --
clearly a poison that will be used to kill someone.

All of
these details suggest a "grossness" surrounding Miss Emily.  These macabre details
create an atmosphere of death and decay that prevades the entire story and builds to the
climatic and most macabre detail in the final line of the story.

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