Saturday, January 22, 2011

In To Kill a Mockingbird, what parallels exist between courtroom happenings and what Dill sees as cruel to the turtle?

First of all, in both situations Dill is the one innocent
child who does not have the stomach to accept cruelty to innocent victims. In chapter 1,
Lee writes:


Dill said striking a match under a
turtle was hateful.

chapters 19-20, Dill has to leave the courtroom because the way that Mr. Gilmer treats
Tom Robinson makes Dill physically sick. Dill plays an important role in demonstrating
that man's goodness might be inherent and given to us at birth because he is closer to
that time of innocence than everyone else except

Another parallel is the function of heat. Jem had
suggested the one way to get the innocent turtle out of the protection of his shell was
to heat his shell with a match. The trial ironically occurs on the hottest day possible.
Everyone is sweating, even Atticus. This trial squeezes the town and begins to get them
to move. Because Atticus convinces at least one person on the jury to really think about
this, we have hope that race relations will begin to improve. But no one changes without
difficulty. Often heat is a symbol used to prove that change hurts, but the heat often
molds us into a newer and better version of ourselves. I hope that's what it did for

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