Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How does Winston Smith try to take control of his confusion? Explain how his actions are an example of the literary technique, indirect...

Indirect characterization is a literary technique that
helps the reader make judgments about a character's quality, personality, and values
directly based on their actions, thoughts, feelings, and dialogue.  Rather than telling
the reader exactly what the character is like, the author lets the reader make that
judgment for themselves based on what the character says, does, and feels.  George
Orwell implements this technique frequently in

One of Winston's primary
struggles throughout the novel is with his perception of the ineffectiveness and
deceptiveness of The Party.  He acknowledges INGSOC's inconsistencies and deceptions,
but his indoctrinated fear and "loyalty" to The Party initially keeps him from inquiring
further into his uncertainties.  He is confused by his ill feelings towards The Party,
especially because he has been carefully conditioned to believe everything they say,
even if he knows it to be untrue (Doublethink).  Winston attempts to take control of
this confusion in a number of ways.

First of all, the novel
begins with Winston writing the words "Down with Big Brother" multiple times in his
journal.  Even though he knew that purchasing the journal and writing down his concerns
were acts of Thoughtcrime and punishable by vaporization, he still did so in order to
reconstruct memories that were distorted by the Party's brainwashing.  This audacious
act reveals Winston's determination and emotional connection to his past.  This already
makes him unique in comparison to many of the other characters, because he actually
feels sentiment towards his past rather than apathy towards everything but the

Winston also seeks out knowledge and relationships
from other people in order to collect more information about life before Big Brother. 
He speaks with the old man in the pub, purchases the paperweight and rents the room
above the antique store, and engages in a scandalous and prohibited sexual relationship
with Julia in order to explore his deeply supressed human

Ultimately, Winston's attempts to take control of
his confusion result in his destruction at the hands of the Party.  Regardless of his
fate, his courage and curiousity allowed him to experience a small amount of joy in an
otherwise sorrowful world.

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