Thursday, November 3, 2011

What are the main aspects of evil and chaos associated with Macbeth's rule?Macbeth’s rule marks a period of chaos and cruelty in Scotland. Only...

Macbeth usurps the throne and his rule in Scotland is one
of tyranny and chaos. After having usurped kingship, Macbeth's sole efforts are to
ensure his safety and to hold on to power. He goes from fear to fear, passing sleepless
nights, unleashing a reign of terror consisting murder and bloodshed. He appoints
murderers to eliminate Banquo and his son, Fleance, in a bid to invalidate the prophecy
with regard to Banquo's issues becoming future kings. Banquo is put to death with
'twenty trenched gashes' on his head, though Fleance escapes. He sends killers to the
house of Macduff even after having known that Macduff fled to England. The killers
terminate Lady Macduff, the children and all members of the family. Ever since the
failed coronation banquet, the Scottish nobles begin to desert Macbeth, and they refer
to him as the 'tyrant'. Macbeth's rule is marked by all sorts of terror and strong-arm
tactics being unleashed, men being labelled as traitors and killed, widows howling and
orphans crying, and the whole of Scotland being soaked in blood.

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