Friday, November 18, 2011

What is the historical background that influenced Dickens' writing of Great Expectations?

Living in the Victorian Age in which industrialization was
changing society, Charles Dickens felt that society in England was a prison.  In the
rural areas there were landlords, the owners of large farms, and farmers and common
laborers who owned no land, but merely existed on a subsistence level by working on the
large farms.  With the invention of the steam-powered engine, thrashing machines took
the place of many of these laborers.  Consequently, the poor rural people flooded the
city of London where they, along with the other poor of London, sought work in the
factories.  In their efforts to survive, these people sent their children to work as
well.  Since their jobs were unskilled laborer jobs and there were no labor laws of any
kind in England at that time, the poor were condemned to poverty

Having had a father placed in debtors' prison and
having had to work in a blacking warehouse as a boy himself, Charles Dickens was most
sympathetic to the poor, a class who was ignored by what he perceived as a frivolous
upperclass who controlled all the wealth.  In fact there was only one major bank, the
Bank of England, which dealt mainly with government contracts because businessmen
conducted their financial dealings privately among themselves.  Since there was little
hope for social mobility, many of the poor who sought their fortune during the
Industrial Revolution found themselves in workhouses and prison, or they turned to
crime.  Since money was made in London, criminal activity increased there. (Magwitch is
one of the poor who survives by petty crime.)

higher-level workers in factories and merchants prospered from the industrialization, a
new middle class emerged (Uncle Pumblechook is an example) and the need for banking
arose.  Banks, thus, became more numerous as the need for borrowing for new businesses
arose.  (Pip's procuring a job for Herbert is made possible by this growing banking

It was not until 1860 that the railroad
connected the city to the rural areas of England. (This is why Pip must take the
stagecoach to the Boar's Inn whenever he returns home.)

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