Saturday, March 26, 2011

What are the character traits of Macbeth? (Please add in quotes as evidence if possible.)So far I have: - Morally weak...

Shakespeare's Macbeth is a play which
explores the darker side of human nature, to be sure.  The list of Macbeth's character
traits which you've already begun is a good one and covers mostly the negative aspects
of this murdering usurper king.  That's as it should be, since those elements are the
focus of this story.  But dark things always look darker next to light, so let's examine
a few more positive characteristics which Macbeth also clearly possessed.  You started
with his having a conscience, which is true. We also have evidence that Macbeth loved
his wife, "his dearest partner in greatness."  Though he proved otherwise later in the
play, at the beginning of the story he loved and was loyal to his cousin and king,
Duncan.  The same is true for his fellow soldier, Banquo, until Macbeth grows desperate
to maintain his ill-gotten power.  I would encourage you to use both sets of
characteristics in anything you write about Macbeth, as the positive traits at the
beginning serve as a stark contrast to his darker traits.

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