Saturday, June 25, 2011

Discuss three examples of mondernism in the story "A Rose For Emily" by William Faulkner.I'm looking for three different uses of mondernism with...

Based on the short story "A Rose For Emily," Faulkner
shows a use of modernism by deviating from the norms or expectations of the time in
which it was written in 1930.

One example of Miss Emily's
deviation form the norm of her society would have been riding out with Homer Baron,
someone who would have been considered beneath her socially. I would not expect someone
from her social status to spend time with someone who is not her

A second example of Miss Emily's departure from the
Southern norm would have been her trip to the druggist to buy rat poison. I would have
expected Tobe, her manservant, to do this, not Miss Emily

A third example where Miss Emily is something of a
surprise is because she lives alone. A woman of the South would either have married or
had a female relative come to live with her. Miss Emily does not marry (mostly because
her father is so picky about who she sees), and she does not call back her female
relatives when she and Homer Baron do not marry.

The most
startling departure Miss Emily's character makes is not only murdering Homer Baron, but
continually sleeping with his dead corpse even many years after his death. Faulkner
would have surprised his readers most with these final details in the

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