Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Explain what happens in "Shiloh" by Bobbie Ann Mason?

"Shiloh" by Bobbie Ann Mason addresses the problem of a
marriage trying to survive despite several problems.  As in many marriages, the lack of
communication prevents the marriage from being secure.  Both husband and wife are unable
to face the problems that need to be attacked if the marriage is to

The characters are Leroy and Norma Jean Moffitt. 
Leroy drove a truck for many years.  After a bad accident in which he severely hurt his
leg, Leroy finds himself trying to fill his time.  He does not believe that he will be
able to drive his truck again.  After surgery, three months at home, physical
therapy—Leroy has decided to build his wife a log cabin

Leroy loves his wife Norma Jean. He tries to please
her.  They have always rented their homes; now, Leroy wants to provide Norma with her
own home. The author portrays Leroy as a good guy, but immature and searching for


Leroy used to tell hitchhikers his whole life
story—about his travels, his hometown, and the baby.  He would end with a question:
'Well what do you think? ‘It was just a rhetorical

Norma was pregnant
when they married.  One of the problems that has plagued their marriage is the loss of
the only child. The two went to a drive-in movie.  They put the baby in the back seat. 
At the end of the movie, they find the baby dead from

Norma works at the drug store in the make-up. She is
weight lifting to build up her muscles and begins to take classes at a local college.
Something is changing in Norma.

Since Leroy is  home all
the time, their relationship has changed.  They used to be together constantly when he
was home; however, he was gone a lot of the time. Now, that he is home all of the time,
there is something going on between them. 

Norma’s mother
Mabel  has always wanted her daughter to take a trip to Shiloh, Tennessee.  Mabel spent
her honeymoon there. In her mind, it is a beautiful interesting place that she wants to
share with her daughter.

Norma Jean is attacking her life
trying to find her own way.  She feels that Leroy has allowed their lives to founder.
Norma is finding new skills and trying to move on. Leroy seems stymied.   There is no
way that Leroy could build the home for them because their relationship has become
fatigued and ready to go under.

Leroy believes that this
trip to Shiloh could allow the two of them to start over again. Norma is not sure what
she wants. She does feel as though she does not know who Leroy is

The story’s ending leaves the reader puzzled.  Nothing
is definite.  Norma tells Leroy that she is going to leave him.  She walks away from
him. Leroy follows her and sees her gesturing for him to come there.  Is she waving at
Leroy to try to get his attention?  The author leaves the reader with no answer. At the
battle of Shiloh, there were many deaths.  Will Shiloh be the death of Leroy and Norma
Jean’s marriage?

Thematically, grief enters the heart of
this marriage.  The impact of a loss of a child never goes away.  If it is not
addressed, it burrows unspoken into the hearts of the parents.  This loss grasps hold of
Leroy and Norma Jean. 

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