Thursday, February 9, 2012

How does Shakespeare categorize the women who are secondary characters in Romeo and Juliet?

The categorizations that the three secondary women
characters in Romeo and Juliet share is that they are all three
mothers and they each give advice of one sort or another. In addition to that, they are
each in a subordinate position, in one way or another and with one outcome or another,
to a man. The three secondary women characters are Nurse, Lady Capulet and Lady
Montague. Nurse is a mother but her baby died. In her jumbled, sometimes nonsensical
way, Nurse advises Juliet all throughout the play. For instance, after Romeo is
banished, Nurse advises Juliet to marry Paris under the assumption that the private
ceremony with the Friar is now null and void and in the expectation that Juliet will
never see Romeo again. Lady Capulet of course is Juliet's mother and though they do not
speak together the way Juliet and Nurse do, Lady Capulet still advises Juliet in her
decisions and upon the course her life will take. For instance, early in the play, Lady
Capulet advises Juliet to prepare herself for marriage because Lord Capulet has begun
negotiations with Paris for Juliet's hand in marriage. Lady Montague is the one least
heard from in the play but she is Romeo's mother. Lady Montague is the chief example of
an advice giver. She successfully advises her husband not to go in anger and join the
fray after Tybalt challenges Benvolio to a duel and thereby extend the feud between the
Montagues and Capulets.

Each of the women is subject to a
man. Nurse is subject to Lord Capulet as she is employed by him. Her behavior within her
subservient state is one of courage and integrity. When Lord Capulet is viciously
yelling at Juliet, Nurse stands up to him telling him is wrong and not backing down even
after he commences yelling at her too. Lady Capulet is also subject to Lord Capulet
since she is his wife. Her behavior within her subservient state mirrors his behavior.
For instance, when he is angry with Juliet for not accepting Paris and turns against
her, Lady Capulet mirrors that anger and turns against Juliet as well. Lady Montague is
subject to Lord Montague. Her behavior within her subservient state is one of forthright
independence and wisdom, thus Shakespeare makes her the example of right-mindedness and
right behavior. When Lord Montague is moved to throw aside restraint and the Prince's
commands for peace in Act I scene i, Lady Montague advises him against it, as all ready
seen, and goes so far as to hold him back (a chain of restraint Lord Montague could have
broken free from as easily as from a dew drop chain if he hadn't respected and honored
her) and physically prevent him from attacking his foe.

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