Friday, June 1, 2012

What tiny figure was April interested in at the professor's shop in The Egypt Game?

The tiny figure that catches April's interest the first
time she goes into the professor's shop is, according to the professor, a "pre-Columbian
burial figure" which was made in Mexico about two thousand years previously. April had
at first been interested in the figure because to her, it looked Egyptian. April has
always been captivated by "Egyptian stuff," and the tiny statue with "broad shoulders,
short legs and a hole in the top of its head" seems to fit the bill when she first sees
it. The statue is nestled in a glass case among a whole variety of other objects, "vases
and jars, some partly cracked or broken, crudely made jewelry and tiny statues." To
April, all of it looks "terribly ancient and

While April is examining the tiny figure
through the glass, the professor approaches and leans over the counter right above her
head. She asks him what, exactly, the figure is, and when he tells her, she can hardly
believe it is as old as he says it is. The fact that it is not Egyptian after all does
not seem to disappoint her very much, because the professor is a very intriguing
character himself. Her interest is now divided; because "the old man (is) almost as
unusual as the strange things behind the dusty glass" (Chapter 2 - "Enter

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