Saturday, September 29, 2012

Give a brief description for discussing the quote A person who never make mistakes has never tried anything new by Einstein.

Those who yearn for
anything they haven't had before have to do things they haven't done

It is difficult if not
impossible to get ahead in life by just continuing to do what we have always been doing or what
has always been done. It would be difficult to find examples of people who are successful and
have not tried out things that were different if not radically

Nobody is perfect. Our imperfections seldom allow us to be
successful the first time we try anything. Failures should not make us stop; instead, they should
be used to learn; to make changes in the way we are trying to move ahead. Only if a thorough
analysis actually reveals that what you have started out to do is not feasible should you

And perhaps then you can take up another path that hasn't been

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How is Anne's goal of wanting "to go on living even after my death" fulfilled in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl?I didn't get how it was...

I think you are right! I don't believe that many of the Jews who were herded into the concentration camps actually understood the eno...