Thursday, September 13, 2012

In "The Devil and Tom Walker," what details of the devil's physical appearance give him his "Everyman" quality?

The most description we are given of the Devil in this
excellent short story is when we are first introduced to him - when Tom discovers a
cloven skull and kicks it to shake the dirt from it. Consider how we are introduced to
the Devil, or "Old Scratch" as Tom calls him:


Tom lifted up his eyes, and beheld a great black
man seated directly opposite him, on the stump of a tree. He was exceedingly surprised,
having neither heard nor seen anyone approach; and he was still more perplexed on
observing, as well as the gathering gloom would permit, that the stranger was neither
Negro nor Indian. It is true he was dressed in a rude half-Indian garb, and had a red
belt or sash swathed round his body; but his face was neither black nor copper colour,
but swarthy and dingy, and begrimed with soot, as if he had been accustomed to toil
among fires and forges. He had a shock of black hair, that stood out from his head in
all directions, and bore an axe on his

What is important
to note in this description is that the Devil is described in such a way that does not
link him to any race - note how he is described as being "dark" but not of any
recognisable race. He wears some Native American clothing but is not Native American. In
addition, the description paints him to be a mysterious and enigmatic figure - note how
he appears without having been heard, and also how his face is covered with soot as if
he works round a fire, even though there is no fire in the

These descriptions certainly promote the Devil's
Everyman qualities, as we see the figure of the Devil as not linked to any geographical
location or area or even time, and thus is free to work in all places and

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