Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Give examples of morality and corruption in Measure for Measure by Shakespeare.

This is a huge question.  I'll point you toward the main
characters and events in the play that concern morality and corruption, to give you a
general starting point.  The contrast between choosing to act in a moral or corrupt
fashion is a major theme in this play, and as Shakespeare often does, here he provides
no easy answers to this question.  Rather, he creates characters who passionately
believe in this or that action as moral or corrupt, and the ensuing interaction between
these characters (with the opposing points of view) creates conflict, which creates

The main plot of the story revolves around the
triangle of Isabella, her brother Claudio and the man who holds the power in Vienna
while the Duke is absent, Angelo.

Angelo, rules with an
excess of morality. As soon as he gets his hands on the power, he shuts down brothels
and makes it his mission to see all moral corruption punished and eradicated from
Vienna.  As part of this new regime of "morality," Claudio is arrested and sentenced to
death for impregnating his fiancee.  In essence, Claudio is to be killed for having sex
with a woman out of wedlock.  Angelo, in the opening of the play, appears (on the
surface) to have extremely high morals.  But, later, when he attempts to coerce Isabella
to make a deal with him (He will save her brother from death if she will sleep with
him.), he is revealed as much more corrupt that his initial actions

Isabella is a novice, in training to become a
nun.  When her brother asks her to beg for his life to Angelo, she visits Angelo, only
to be offered the corrupt "deal" from him to save her brother's life.  When she visits
Claudio in jail to tell him that she cannot act in an immoral way, even to save his
life, he is heartbroken.  Yet, Isabella stands firm, refusing to compromise her

Claudio might well be the most human (which is to
say, the most morally ambiguous) character in the play.  At first, though he is bitter
that the law under which he has been arrested hasn't been enforced for many years, he
seems ready to prepare himself for death.  Once his sister apprises him of Angelo's
"deal," however, he seems more than willing to push his sister completely against her
own moral conscience for the sake of saving his life.  Claudio's weakness and readiness
to adjust his sense of morality to fit his own needs and desires, may be the best
example of how the common man might react given this situation.  Claudio represents the
flawed and ultimately selfish nature under which most humans

This idea of "selfishness," and how it influences
the choice to behave in a moral or corrupt way, is certainly a factor for all three
characters.  Claudio, selfishly, desires Isabella to compromise her morals to save his
life; Isabella selfishly (to preserve her chastity) refuses; and Angelo selfishly throws
his own moral standards out the window to, potentially, gain pleasure with

For more on these characters, please follow the
links below.

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