Friday, November 16, 2012

How does the animal in "The Fish" by Elisabeth Bishop reflect some particular perspective about the world for the poet?

Elizabeth Bishop's childhood was marked by dislocation and
loneliness.  Her father died when she was an infant and her mother was committed to
mental institutions when she was four years old.  Bishop was sent first to a relative of
her father, then later to an aunt.  Themes of dislocation and loneliness are often found
in Bishop's poetry.

In "The Fish," Bishop describes with
painstaking detail a fish that is dislocated and lonely.  As the poem begins, the
narrator tells us that she held the fish "beside the boat / half out of water."  This is
an extreme state of dislocation, neither in the water nor on land.  The fish struggles
to breathe "the terrible oxygen," but--of course--his gills are useless out of

The fish's loneliness is expressed by the poet's
description of its eyes, which do not "return my

The poet admires this lonely creature.  On its skin
are "shapes like full-blown roses"; its barnacles are like "fine rosettes of lime"; its
"pink swim-bladder [is] / like a big peony.'

The narrator's
admiration for the fish is increased when she realizes that this fish has survived many
battles: there are "five big hooks / grown firmly in his

Perhaps Bishop sees in the fish a reflection of
herself: someone who has experienced hardship, dislocation and loneliness and survived. 
This is indicated by the end of the poem, in which "victory" fills up "the little rented

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