Sunday, November 18, 2012

What was the goal of many nativists with respect to immigration?

Nativism, appeared in the political arena during the
1840's under The American Party, otherwise referred to as the 'Know Nothings'. The party
stood on an anti-Catholic platform, especially those immigrants from Ireland. In 1856,
at the height of their political influence in America, the American Party sought to
restrict immigration prohibiting immigrants from holding any government office, even if
they were naturalized citizens. In addition, the terrorist group Ku Klux Klan
perpetuated hate by preying on the fear of what the newcomer might incur on those
already here. Usually centered on competition with regard to jobs, economics, and
political power, these groups that perpetuated 'Xenophobia', the fear of foreigners
finally manifest in Congressional legislation beginning in 1882 with the Chinese
Exclusion Act followed by The Gentlemen's Agreement in 1907, the Literacy Test Act in
1917, the Emergency Quota Act 1921 and again in 1924.

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