Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Identify changes in society and problems with the original constitution that motivated amendments.

I assume you mean amendments other
the original ten, as they were passed shortly after the adoption of the
Constitution. It is impossible to create a laundry list of each amendment; but a few notable
examples are in order:

The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth
amendments were passed at the time of the civil war. They were designed to end slavery, guarantee
citizenship and equal rights to the freed slaves, and guarantee that they had the right to vote.
As originally drafted, the Constitution was silent on the issue of slavery, although its language
led most scholars to believe that it was constitutionally protected. For that reason, a
constitutional amendment was needed to end it. By the same token a constitutional amendment was
needed to protect freed slaves.

The Sixteenth Amendment provides for
an Income Tax that need not be apportioned among the several states as provided in the original
constitution. The Seventeenth provides for direct election of Senators; and the Eighteenth was
the "prohibition" amendment. These were all part of the Progressive movement of the late
nineteenth and early twentieth century in which it was believed that the cure for the ills of
democracy was more democracy. The eighteenth was repealed by the 21st Amendment which had proved

The twentieth amendment changed the dates for
Presidential inaugurations. With new methods of tabulating and reporting votes, the long wait
which had hitherto existed were no longer necessary; plus the long "interregnum of despair"
between Franklin Roosevelt's election and inauguration indicated that a long lame duck term was
not good.

The twenty second amendment limited the President to two
terms. This was after Roosevelt had been elected to four terms; and it was generally agreed this
had been a mistake. Roosevelt had been very ill by his fourth term and in fact died in office. He
made concessions at the Yalta Conference which a stronger, healthier president might not have

The twenty fourth amendment outlawed poll taxes, a device used
in many Southern states to disenfranchise black voters. It was part of the growing civil rights
movement of the time. Finally, the twenty fifth, which provides for Presidential disability and
succession, including the power of the President to name a new Vice President, was passed after
the death of John F. Kennedy. He was succeeded by Lyndon Johnson who had previously suffered a
serious heart attack. If Johnson had died in office, the next in line to the Presidency would
have been Strom Thurmond, president pro tem of the Senate who was also up in age, and then the
Speaker of the House who also was elderly. It was felt that a more orderly succession needed to
be provided for.

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