Monday, May 12, 2014

What possible reasons for the ghost's appearance are discussed? Hamlet, Act I

Before Hamlet actually speaks to the ghost, Horatio reveals (in
scene 1) all of the possible reasons why a ghost would possibly appear -- it is a kind of
"ghost-lore" lesson for the audience as well.  Horation reveals that a ghost could come

1.  ask for something to be done to give the deceased some ease
in his afterlife.

2.  reveal some secret that "that art privy to thy
country's fate" which the country could deal with if they knew.

reveal where the person has "uphoarded in thy life extorted treasure in the womb of the

In the case of the ghost of King Hamlet, he is coming for
reason number one.  He wants to tell the truth of how he died so that his murder may be avenged. 
He will still have to suffer in purgatory, but at least his murderer will be punished and he will
have his eternal rest come easier knowing that that unfinished business if

The reason this conversation is important is because
these are all the legitimate reasons why a ghost may appear, but it should not be forgotten that
a ghost may just be the devil in the disguise of a loved one and intending to cause harm.  They
must proceed with caution when it comes to understanding and believing this

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