Wednesday, July 9, 2014

In To Kill a Mockingbird, what are some good quotes to show how Scout and Atticus are alike and how Scout and Aunt Alexandra are different?

It is not by chance that Scout's character is drawn by
author Harper Lee as a chip-off-the-block of father Atticus. Lee based both characters
on her own life: Scout is a microcosm of Lee herself, and Atticus is derived from
her father, who was also an attorney. Scout and Atticus share many traits: They are
inquisitive, sensitive, love to read, and people persons. Scout and her Aunt Alexandra
have few common traits or interests. Scout is a tomboy, and Alexandra prides herself on
being a lady. Scout prefers the company of males, while Alexandra surrounds herself with
women whenever possible. Scout finds good in most people, while Alexandra looks down her
nose at many of Maycomb's citizens.

Aunt Alexandra
fitted into the world of Maycomb like a hand into a glove, but never into the world of
Jem and me. I so often wondered how she could be Atticus' and Uncle Jack's sister that I
revived half-remembered tales of changelings and mandrake roots that Jem had spun long

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