Monday, July 21, 2014

What ideological perspective(s) is/are presented in the following source?"There would be fewer blunders involving society as a whole if big...

The ideological perspective that most closely conforms to these
ideas is elitism. One definition of elitism is that it is a political ideology that holds that
some people are better equipped to rule than others and that these people should have the most
power. This is the idea expressed in the passage you cite.

This idea
has also been espoused by a variety of other ideologies. For example, the republicans/Federalists
from the time that the Constitution was being written would have agreed with this statement.
Alexander Hamilton was one of them and he believed that the mass of people were not really smart
enough or wise enough to be given much of a say in government. Taken to extremes, this idea is
espoused by totalitarian ideologies like fascism and communism.

this idea could come from a variety of ideologies that do not believe in full democracy. However,
the best fit is elitism.

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