Monday, November 1, 2010

Discuss situations and circumstances that cause people in today's society to enter a "dark forest" as Goodman Brown did.Why do you suppose people...

Regarding Nathaniel Hawthorne's story, "Young Goodman
Brown," Brown travels into the wood on some mysterious errand. He is met by the Devil
and learns that all those around him are not what they seem; even the most pious of the
townspeople seem to have a connection to the Devil. Still, he continues on, believing he
will be strong enough to resist temptation.

In terms of the
fascination some people have with witchcraft, sorcery and/or magic, perhaps they, like
Goodman Brown, are simply looking around. We will often contemplate things we don't
understand. For many people it could be about doing something their parents or church
has told them not to, or it may simply arise from a sense of

Some people may be fascinated because of the
danger they associate with it. People involve themselves in dangerous sports all the
time for the thrill they receive, such as cave diving, skydiving, bungee jumping, or
running with the bulls at Pamplona. The excitement is everything. It may also have to do
with the fear associated with the "dark arts." In much the same manner that some folks
go to scary movies for the rush of the fear, dabbling in witchcraft, etc., may give some
people that same rush.

Some people may simply want to see
if it is real: does whispering an incantation change

Quite possibly people may feel already on the
brink of society, not accepted and not comfortable. This may simply be a way of
connecting to a subculture they might believe is more accepting of who they are or how
they seem themselves.

Perhaps it is boredom that creates a
fascination in people. The world of the unknown and unfamiliar always draws people to
experience something they have never known before.

By the
end of the story, Goodman Brown is a man changed forever. He turns his back on society,
his faith, and his wife, losing his connection to the world, and dying a bitter and
lonely old man. His passing experience with the "powers of darkness" didn't work out so
well for him.

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