Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gilgamesh, Genesis & Metamorphosis all have stories of a creation, a fall & a flood. What are major similarities & differences?

"Gilgemesh," "Genesis" and "Metamorphoses" all have
several elements in common; these include a creation story, a story of a fall, and a
flood.  Among these similarities, there are also distinct

In terms of similarities with the
creation story, "Genesis,"
"Gilgemesh" and "Metamorphoses" present the creation story of the world
coming out of chaos, as land and water separate. "Genesis" and
"Metamorphoses" state that man was created in God's image. Humans are brought into being
with "Genesis"

, "Genesis" has Adam and Eve. In "Gilgemesh" mankind is already in
existence when the story begins (Gilgamesh is part man, part god), but the gods do
create Enkidu to thwart Gilgamesh's harsh treatment of mankind (though Enkidu is not the
first man), and in "Metamorphoses," no specific human is mentioned until mankind is to
be punished by the flood.

In terms of the
, "Genesis" has the fall of man, as Adam and Eve are tempted by the
serpent in the Garden of Eden; besides being cast out of the garden, ultimately they
will die. In "Gilgemesh", there is a some similarity in that Enkidu is like Adam and
Eve, living in harmony with the animals, is tempted and seduced (but by a prostitute),
leaves the garden, and ultimately dies because of the temptation of the

In contrast, Ovid's depiction of
the fall, refers to Icarus' fall. This is when Daedalus and
his son, attempt to flee captivity from King Minos. Icarus ignores his father's warnings
about going too hight, flies too close to the sun, his wax wings melt, and he "falls" to
his death.

There are clear similarities between the three
"accounts" of the flood. In "Genesis," the flood is sent to
destroy most of humanity because of their moral degradation. Humans and animals are put
onto the ark (a very large boat) and saved; the flood lasts forty days and forty nights.
 This cataclysmic event brings about the second creation of

In Ovid's "Metamorphoses," we are presented with
the first human in his collection of stories, a man who is a sinner. Jupiter states that
Lycaon is one example of the overall depravity of the entire human race, and the flood
is a punishment of mankind.

In "Gilgemesh," there is also a
flood story.  In this version, the gods agree to destroy mankind with a flood, and all
are under oath not to share this secret with anyone. "But Ea (one of the gods that
created humanity) came to Utnapishtim's house and told the secret to the walls of
Utnapishtim's house" which didn't break the oath, technically. Ea tells the walls to
build an enormous boat and bring all kinds of animals aboard. Utnapishtim does so, also
collecting riches, and boards the boat. In this version, the flood only last about a

Based upon the story presented in "Genesis," there
are differences with the other flood stories. In "Metamorphoses," there is no talk of an
ark, or saving humans or animals. In "Gilgemesh," Utnapishtim does not take people
aboard with him.

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