Monday, May 30, 2011

In Macbeth, what metaphors and themes are used in Act 2, Scene 1, during Macbeth's hallucination of a dagger?

Of course this is a highly interesting part of the play as
we focus on Macbeth's disintegration as a moral character and a tragic hero just before
he goes to commit the grave crime of regicide - the killing of a King. It is well worth
examining this complex soliloquy as a whole and analysing it bit by bit, but as "brevity
is the soul of wit" (to quote another Shakespeare play), how about considering the
following examples of metaphors in this speech and then using them as a basis for
re-reading it and analysing it further yourself.

this following example:


Art thou not, fatal vision,

To feeling, as to sight? or art thou

A dagger of the mind, a false

Proceeding from the heat-oppressed

Here Macbeth uses
metaphors to debate the nature of this vision - he calls this dagger a "fatal vision",
and then "a dagger of the mind" suggesting that his evil thoughts in contemplating the
murder of his King are being somehow expressed psychologically by his "heat-oppressed

Hope this helps get you started. You will want to
examine the part of this speech when Macbeth refers to night and "Nature seems dead".
Good luck!

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