Industrial goods are differentiated from the the consumer
goods on the basis of the purpose for which the goods are used and the nature of the
customer. The industrial goods are the purchased by business firms for processing and
resale. These include rat materials, components and consumables used in manufacturing of
other goods. Capital goods purchased by businesses also classify as industrial. Also
purchase of finished or semi finished goods for trading or resale are classified as
industrial goods. Finished goods on the other hand are purchased by individuals and
household for personal use or for gifting.
The marketing of
industrial goods differs from that of consumer significantly in several ways. These
differences are described below.
- Number of
buyers of industrial goods are fewer in number as compared to buyers of consumer goods.
However the average size of buyer in terms of value of goods purchased is significantly
higher for industrial goods. Because of this, marketing of industrial goods is often
based on more direct and closer interaction between buyers and seller. For example mass
advertising plays a less important role in industrial goods marketing as compared to
consumer marketing. Also the sales persons are generally required to make multiple sales
call to the customer for securing each customer
order. - The buyers of industrial goods tend to be located
in small geographical. For example lot, there is concentration of auto companies in
Detroit, and there s concentration of IT related companies in Silicon Valley. This kind
of geographical concentration makes frequent and closer buyer seller-interaction even
more preferred marketing approach. - Bigger buyers
concentrated in fewer geographical locations makes it easier for a company to sell to
them directly, rather than through distributors. Frequently the industrial buyers also
prefer to deal directly with the manufacturers, rather than with resellers like
distributors or retailers. - Persons assigned to do
purchasing in business establishments are professional in methods of purchasing. Also,
often they are more knowledgeable about the technical characteristics of goods being
purchased. The marketing of industrial goods, therefor, needs to rely more on technical
consideration and professional methods rather than appeal to personal or emotional
considerations of individuals. - Usually there are several
different persons, with different perspective involved in taking the purchase decision.
For example the purchase decision may be influenced by representatives from purchasing
department, user department, finance, and design. Also, while the initial
investigations, discussions and negotiations may take place at lower levels, the final
decision may need to be approved by a person at higher level. The industrial marketing
effort mus be designed to satisfy the requirement of all such multiple buying
influences. - The demand for industrial goods is often
directly dependent on the business volume of the buyer and the specifications for their
products and processes. This means that the marketing of industrial goods must
concentrate on getting the maximum share of an elastic demand, rather than try to
increase the total demand.
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