Saturday, July 27, 2013

How does the Grammar Translation Method differ from other language teaching methods?

The Grammar Translation Method (GTM) of foreign and second
language teaching is a language learning and teaching strategy in which language is translated
verbatim, that is, word for word and accommodating accordingly by

Recent research shows that the Grammar Translation Method
is best used for specific purposes entirely based on acquiring linguistic information in the raw.
It cannot (or should not) be used as a way to teach language usage for communicative purposes.
The reason for this is because GTM leaves behind meaning, semantics, idioms and other cultural
elements that make language the communication tool that it is.

that latter option there is the CALLA method, or the Communicative Academic Language Learning
Approach, which is the academic infusion of the target language to the teaching of a lesson. This
approach is awesome because it involves high cognitive and meta-cognitive skills, provides
opportunities for scaffolding, and is followed by consistent

Other methods such as the functional-notional approach,
and the Total Physical Response TPR approach involve the recognition of sounds and symbols
through physically engaging activities. Kinesthetic learners would have a good time with

Although new methods continue to appear (Rosetta Stone, tandem
asynchronous, synchronous, immersion, partial immersion, etc), the fact is that GTM is only good
for quantitative or raw meaning methods and not for effective language

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