Thursday, October 25, 2012

Can you assist with information regarding a Psychological Perspective on "Goblin Market"?The assignment deals with Critical Perspectives.

Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market" is a wonderful poem
that can be approached through a variety of critical perspectives. The wikipedia link
given below briefly discusses several approaches (see the brief section on “Criticism”),
For a purely psychological approach, I would recommend focusing on one of the following
possible topics:

1. Addiction or other obsessive-compulsive
thoughts and behaviors: The poem can be read as a fictional treatment of a very real
pathology. Laura is consumed by an overwhelming desire for something, and that desire is
so extreme that it wrecks her life. She is cured at the poem’s end,

2. Approved and marginalized forms of
sexuality: The poem can be read as a treatment of the types of expressions of sexual
desire by young women. The two sisters touch a lot throughout the poem, the goblin men
are leering and animalistic, and the one approved form of sexual
expression--heterosexual marriage--is brought up again and again in the

As you know, a critical approach to a literary work
usually balances a discussion of the theoretical model (in this case, a psychological
theory or approach) with a discussion of the literary work itself. Good theorists to
look at might be Freud (for discussion of infantile and adolescent sexuality), Jung (for
discussions of archetypes), and perhaps more recent theorists who deal with obsession,
addiction, or related topics.

I hope that these comments
help you get started.

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