Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How do the effects of the Crusades compare in the Muslim and Christian worlds?

The effects of the Crusades tended to favor the Christian
world of Western Europe when compared to the Muslim world of the Middle East.   The
Crusades began the breakdown of feudal society in Western Europe.  Many feudal lords
went off to fight and die in the Crusades, leaving their serfs free to go to towns and
start new lives.  Monarchs gained new strength when knights left to fight in the
crusades in the Middle East.  This increase in the power of the monarch also helped to
end feudalism.  Crusaders brought back goods such as spices and cloth, which increased
demand for these goods.  Merchants, particularly in Italy, grew rich from this new trade
with the East.  Crusaders also brought back Greek and Roman classical works.  The wealth
from trade and new knowledge of classical Greek and Roman works sparked the Renaissance
in Europe.

Muslims did not fare as well.   Most fighting
took place on Muslim territory so many Muslims lost their lives and much property was
destroyed. Muslim society was more advanced than European Christian society, so
knowledge flowed from east to west.  Some Muslim merchants did become wealthy from trade
with Europe, enabling the funding of projects such as new mosques and religious

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