Friday, October 19, 2012

Why does the old woman, in the Wife of Bath's tale want control over the knight? use a quotation to support your answer

In the Prologue to the "Wife of Bath's Tale" the Wife
relates little antecdotes about her life and her many marriages in particular.  A
running theme of her view of life and marriage is that the best and happiest marriages
are those where the woman has the power and control.  In her last marriage her husband
tried to take the "reigns" and lectured her about a woman's place from a book.  The Wife
had had enough so she grabbed the book and they ended up in quite a tussle over it; the
Wife was so badly hurt the husband thought her dead.  When she came to, he was SO
relieved he immediately gave up his old attitudes, and as she says, "He gave the bridle
over to my hand, (and) gave me the government of house and land."  She later states that
she "mastered him," and explains that their life together was much better after that

All of this personal background gives some context
to the kind of story that the Wife of Bath would tell.  In her tale, the arrogant knight
must be brought down under the control of the woman in order to be completely happy.  In
order to get the answer to the queen's question and save his life, he must make the
fateful choice:  a wife who is ugly and faithful, or beautiful, but deceitful.  Instead
of making a decision at all, he leaves the decision up to her -- giving her complete
control -- and he is rewarded for it by the old women turning into the best of both
worlds -- beautiful and faithful.  The Wife of Bath uses this fictional fairytale to
reinforce the theme of her own life.  Men who give control over the women in their lives
live a much happier and peaceful life.

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