Saturday, September 28, 2013

In Susan Glaspell's one-act play Trifles, what are the major discoveries of the play?A discovery is any new information of sufficient importance to...

One major discovery made in the play "Trifles" is the dead
canary the women (Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters) find in the sewing

Up until this point, the neighboring women who have
come in to gather things to take to the jail have had their doubts about their neighbor
Mrs. Wright, and her innocence in the death of her

The men who are investigating the house while the
women are there brush aside the importance of the things women do each day as trivial,
as "trifles." This in itself antagonizes the women and makes them more sympathetic,
better able to understand Mrs. Wright's obvious unhappiness living with such a cold,
uncaring husband.

However, when they find the
broken bird cage, and then the dead canary, wrapped as if waiting to be buried, their
sympathy becomes more open between them, and they recognize the separation they feel
from the authority and uncaring attitudes of the men; so much so, that they keep their
discoveries a secret from the men
. If the husband killed the bird,
as it seems, they can finally understand that with all she had put
up with from her husband in the past, this act drove her to the brink, and she probably
did kill him. However, in an act of solidarity with another of
their kind, they remain silent about what they suspect.
 Ironically, when they had had no sense of who Mrs. Wright was or her plight in life
when they arrived, they now do what the County Attorney had assumed that had done
earlier, in trying to protect another woman: "Ah, loyal to your sex, I

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