Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Is the poem "The Silken Tent" by Robert Frost a sonnet?

Yes, "The Silken Tent" is most definitely a sonnet--and I
didn't realize that Robert Frost wrote sonnets!

The poem
has all the elements of a Shakespearean sonnet:

a) 14

b) iambic pentameter: each line contains five
repetitions that "move" in a dah-DAH-dah-DAH pattern;

the rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef

The poem consists of an extended metaphor,
sometimes known as a "conceit." The poet's lover is compared to "silken tent" that has
been set up in a field.

The tent's "supporting central
cedar pole" seems to stand almost by itself, without the help of "any single cord." 
This "signifies the sureness of the soul"--the lover's confident self-reliance.  The
poem's original title was  “In Praise of Your Poise.”

lover is independent but not aloof.  She is


loosely bound
By countless silken ties
of love and thought
To every thing on

Although Frost uses the
sonnet, a very old form of poetry, his language in the poem is simple and

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