Monday, August 25, 2014

Identify the groups that most strongly opposed the New Deal.

The group that most strongly opposed the New Deal was
conservatives. They did so on ideological grounds. To true conservatives, the New Deal appeared
to be a socialist program. To conservatives, it was clearly not the place of the government to
intervene in the economy. Conservatives felt that programs like the AAA or NIRA or TVA
constituted government planning of the economy instead of the free market system that
conservatives prefer. Conservatives felt that government relief to unemployed people was
redistribution of income meant to achieve the socialist vision of a society where everyone has
equal wealth.

To be sure, there were critics of the New Deal on the
left. Critics like Huey Long felt that the New Deal did not go far enough towards helping the
poor. However, I would argue that it was conservatives who most strongly opposed the New

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