Saturday, August 2, 2014

Outline the differences in cytokinesis in animal and plant cells.

Cytokinesis occurs in eukaryotic cells after mitotic
division takes place. Towards the end of mitotic cell division, during anaphase, animal
cells begin to pinch in half and eventually, two daughter cells are the result. When the
membrane pinches, approximately half the cytoplasm goes to each daughter cell.
Therefore, the end result is two genetically identical but smaller cells than the
original parent cell. However, in plant cell mitosis, at the end of the process, a cell
plate forms. This cell plate separates the cell into two distinct cells. The golgi
apparatus supplies the materials needed to form the cell walls found in plants. Each
plant cell is half the size of the parent, but, genetically identical  because each half
receives a complete nucleus and half the cytoplasm of the parent

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