Saturday, October 18, 2014

Compare and contrast Julius Caesar and Brutus in three paragraphs.

The most famous ancient Roman is, without a doubt, Gaius
Julius Caesar.  We remember Marcus Brutus only because he assassinated

Like all members of the Senate, Gaius Julius Caesar
and Marcus Junius Brutus were children of history – particularly their family history. 
While both came from old and revered Roman families, the ancestors of Brutus were the
more famous being descended as his was from Brutus the Liberator who freed Rome from her
last King and ushered in the Republic.  It is perhaps historic justice that another
Brutus would be present at the death of that same Republic.  Caesar, on the other hand,
traced his family back to the founding of Rome, claiming descent not only from Aeneas,
survivor of the Fall of Troy, but through him from the goddess Venus herself.  However,
despite these auspicious beginnings, Caesar’s Roman ancestors, while competent, had not
distinguished themselves in any memorable way.  Gaius would change all of

Caesar was physically brave (he earned the coveted
Civic Crown in battle while serving as a Tribune) a gifted orator (Cicero called him the
best public speaker of his age) and a talented writer (he is still considered the
greatest Latin prose stylist) who was an outstanding general as well as a shrewd
politician.  In addition Caesar was generous with his money and famous for his
clemency.  However, he did not suffer fools gladly, and while he might tolerate the
ribald songs sung about him by his soldiers, he had no patience for his fellow senators
who refused to curb their greed and excess.  Like the Gracchi before him, Caesar was a
champion of the people and believed very much in the Roman concept of res
(the Public Thing).  Indeed, it was his support of the people,
particularly his land reforms, along with his outsized achievements, that motivated the
assassins to murder Caesar.

By contrast, Marcus Brutus,
while intelligent and well educated, had done little to distinguish himself.  Like many
of his class he used his appointments for personal financial gain.  Although it was
illegal to charge interest rates considered usurious, Brutus was able to obtain an
exemption and charge the citizens of Salamis interest rates of 48% per annum.  Of
course, fleecing the provincials was not only common but practically considered a reward
for serving as an elected magistrate.  More damning, Brutus proved to be a rank
opportunist who bent with the wind.  Although his father had been executed by Pompey
Magnus (and this after the elder Brutus surrendered to Pompey on the condition that his
life be spared) Marcus Brutus joined Pompey in opposing Caesar after he crossed the
Rubicon. He sided against Caesar despite the favors Caesar had shown to Brutus and his
family. Clearly he thought Pompey would win the civil war, but he had, once again,
miscalculated and after Pompey’s defeat at Pharsalus, was the recipient of Caesar’s
famous clemency.  It is interesting to note that when Sulla demanded that Caesar devoice
his wife, the daughter of Sulla’s enemy, Caesar refused on principle and barley escaped
with his life.

Brutus was an opportunist and typical Roman
aristocrat while Caesar was a man of principle and the outstanding Roman of his


Of The Roman Republic
by Philip Matyszak

The Assassination Of Julius Caesar A
People’s History
by Michael Parenti

Caesar Life Of A
by Adrian Goldsworthy c2006

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