Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Identify and describe each person at the Rainbow Inn that evening.Silas Marner by George Eliot

After Silas Marner is robbed he rushes to the Rainbow Inn,
believing he will find there the dignitaries of Raveloe.  However, the group at the inn
is occupied by men who are less than dignitaries:

1.  Bob
Lundy, the butcher, is a jovial red-haired man who says that he is "for peace and
quiet."  He does not respond to questions in a rash way; instead, he withholds  details
and does not contradict others.  Later, however, he adds himself to the list of those
who want Tookey out of the choir.

2. Dowlas, the farrier,
is "the negative spirit in the company and proud of his position."  At first, he is
bitterly sarcastic to the butcher and "opposed to compromise" and bets Mr. Macey that
'Cliff's Holiday' is not haunted as Macey

3. Snell, the landlord, tries to ameliorate when
others argue.  he is the diplomat, telling the bellicose farrier and the jovial butcher
are both correct in their statements about the Durham cow that has been butchered.  And,
he is diplomatic regarding the haunting of "Cliff's

4. Tookey, the deputy clerk, works under Mr.
Macey, the tailor and parish clerk.  Unpopular as is a deputy, Mr. Tookey's singing also
falls under sharp criticism.  He accuses the others of a "consperacy to turn me out o'
the choir."

5.  the Wheelwright is a large, jocose-looking
man who is the leader of the choir.

6-7.  "Bassoon" and
"Keybugle" are two choir members presetn in the inn.

8. Mr.
Ben Winthrop also criticizes Tookey's singing.  He tells Tookey, "It's your inside as
isn't right made for music:  it's no better nor a hollow stalk."  He offers to pay
Tookey to leavethe choir.

9. Mr. Winthrop, who offers to
pay Tookey to resign his position,criticizes sharply Tookey's

10.  Mr. Macey, the tailor and parish clerk, is a
white-haired man who suffers from rheumatism.  He has a "sarcastic smile" and is often
in referred to as "complacent."  Macey says that he will not become involved in the
butcher and the farrier's debate, then he says that he does know Mr. Lammeter, the man
who has sold Mr. Bob Lundy the "Durham cow."  Knowing about the deed on Lammeter's land,
Mr. Macey refers to Lammeter's property by the name it is called, "Charity Land."  Then,
he launches into an explanation of why the land is called this odd

The group that smokes their pipes banter with one
another and retell old tales; their "unflinching frankness" is the most "piquant form of
joke" for them.

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