Thursday, April 23, 2015

Explain how two scenes in Avatar are related to Transcendentalist beliefs.

I love this question! I've seen the movie
Avatar, but I don't know it well enough to refer to specific
scenes. Still, I think that I can offer enough of an answer here to get you

Here are some fundamental concepts in
Transcendentalism that apply directly to the film:

Nature is a way for humans to connect with the divine.

Individual wisdom and self-betterment may result from direct connection with and
reflection on nature.

3. Wisdom may (or should) lead to
social action.

Most of the humans in the film
Avatar simply see nature as untapped resources. They're happy to
take, destroy, and move on to the next planet. The few, more enlightened humans in the
movie understand that nature is not only important in and of itself but that it also has
some sort of profound connection to what we call the "soul." They gain awareness through
their direct experiences with a more pure world (full of more pure creatures), and that
awareness drives them to oppose their own people's attempts to exploit yet another

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