Saturday, April 11, 2015

What other information do we get in the fist two paragraphs of chapter 1?

I am not sure what information you already have, so please
excuse any repetition.

In the first paragraph of Chapter One of
Harper Lee's novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the reader is given a lot of
information about Jem Finch.  Jem is thirteen years old, spends a lot of time playing football,
and is extremely confident.  Despite the fact that one of his arms is shorter than the other, Jem
is unbothered as long as the limb is functional.

The second
paragraph of the book gives the reader the information that the events in the novel took place
several years in the past.  Also, it becomes apparent that there is some kind of trouble to come,
since the narrator refers to the Ewells as having "started it all."  Finally, the reader is
introduced to several characters, or at least the idea of them, including the Ewell family, Dill,
and Boo Radley.  Because these characters are only mentioned, not described in detail, Lee causes
the reader to become curious and interested in the events to come.

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