Thursday, August 13, 2015

How can Miller explain the justice in the play?

I think the point that Miller is trying to make is the
fact that justice is lost in this play during that era. Since the United States has had
a Constitution, the ideas of the separation between church and state and the accused
being innocent until proven guilty have reigned in our courtrooms and these
circumstances don't happen. I think Miller used this tale in a cautionary fashion to
remind us that we must be careful in our own accusations of other people. We must
consider if we just believe something to be true or if it really is true. Then, we must
act accordingly.

The only sense of justice I see in this
play is for John Proctor. He had a sincere conviction between right and wrong and did
not want to do wrong but as most humans, he did have moments of error. Elizabeth's
strong last words about John prove that John came full circle as a character. John did
not want to lie to the magistrates in the end just so that John could live. He had
already committed enough sin in his life that made him feel terrible. He wanted to give
the truth and tell the magistrates for sure that he did not have any sort of compact
with the Devil. He did this knowing that the price for the truth was his life. Was this
just? No. But as Elizabeth said, "He have his goodness now." She means at least he died
with a free conscience and in living righteously in death he may be free in the

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