Monday, August 17, 2015

How is Oskar Schindler, in the "Schindler's List", a dynamic character?

Schindler is a dynamic character because he is not the
same he is at the start of the narrative.  He has changed over the course of the work.
The values he emphasized at the start of it are not the same he embraces at the end of
it.  The ideas of making money at all costs, generating profit in business, and not
taking a political stand are all repudiated by the end of our association with him.  It
is within this light that Schindler is dynamic, as he changes and demonstrates moments
that serve as epiphanies of self awareness and understanding of one's own identity and
place within the world.  It is this configuration that makes him dynamic.  When we
consider that dynamic characters are one that stretch throughout the course of a work,
Schindler certainly becomes that as he ends up becoming bankrupt after amassing great
wealth.  Yet, his spiritual profit ends up transcending all else, making him a both a
dynamic character and one worthy of our admiration.

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