Monday, August 3, 2015

What was the difference between pagan beliefs and catholic beliefs?

Another part of the answer that might be relevant is the fact
that Catholicism is based on a patriarchal society, with an emphasis on the males. Many of the
pagan societies were based on a matriarchal society, with the Earth being considered the Mother
and giver of life. With this fundamental difference, the attitude of the religion is perceived
verry differently. In historic times, women cared for the children throuh the infancy and young
childhood, teaching them about house and home annd keeping them in their "apron strings."When
boys were old enough, they joined the men and left the women

The pagan religions believed women were the
bearers of religion and cherished their understanding. Catholic religion, as well as all of the
other monotheistic religions, believe men are the bearers of the religion. It is the difference
between believing the heart of the religion is nuturing and caretaking versus religion as rules
for living, hunting, and ruling as well as what needed to happen to be good soldiers -for your
king or for God. This basic belief changed the way that people interacted. Instead of caretaking
being the focus of religion, following the tenents was vital. The pagans had individually created
rituals and and beliefs whereas the catholic faith was written down and strictly passed from one
person to the next. Beingg a pagan meant a wide range of things you might or might not believe,
but if you were Catholic, there was a specific set of beliefs to which you

There are many other differences, but this is a
basic difference that changed the world.

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