Sunday, August 30, 2015

What is the tone and the character of the setting in Book 1 of Homer's Iliad?

Homer's Iliad takes as its setting
the shore near the "high-walled" city of Troy (also known as Ilion). The epic opens at
the Greek encampment on that shore ("the shore by the tumbling, crashing surf"; Ian
Johnston translation). The tone is a dire and ominous one as the Greek camp has been
ravaged by a terrible plague, which was caused by Agamemnon's inhospitable treatment of
Apollo's priest Chryses.

The tension and desperation caused
by the plague is heightened by the quarrel that ensues when Agamemnon and Achilles
quarrel over the solution for the plague.

After Agamemnon
angers Achilles by threatening to take Briseis from him, the setting remains "by the
shore" where Achilles complains about Agamemnon's treatment of him to his goddess
mother, Thetis.

The setting continues at the shore as the
Greeks send back Chryseis to her father Chryses, but then shifts to "the highest peak of
many-ridged Olympus" as Thetis pleads with Zeus to help

After his meeting with Thetis, "Zeus went inside
his house" where he meets with the other gods. The quarrelsome tone that characterized
the encounter between Agammenon and Achilles is paralleled in the ensuing argument
between Zeus and Hera, as Hera questions the nature of the meeting between Zeus and
Thetis. Angered at this, Zeus threatens Hera with

Book 1 ends on a lightened tone, though as
Hephaestus turns the gods' attention to drinking and causes them to laugh as they watch
Hephaestus "bustling around".

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