Friday, August 21, 2015

How is Napoleon ruthless??

He is ruthless in a way that he eliminates any opposition,
any dissidents to his rule which might bring him harm as he consolidates his power. He
is a ruthless dictator and he only cares about his own power and comfort. To achieve all
this, he resulted by mass murder, starvation and also the re-writing of history to turn
Snowball, who was a hero into a public villain, despised by many. He degenerated into a
senseless monster by killing Boxer, who was injured by then, for profit by sending him
to a slaughter factory in exchange of a few bottles of whiskey. From this, we can see he
is a heartless beast who does not care about anybody, only if it suited his own
interest. His rule of terror brought widespread suffering and fear amongst the animals
in the farm.

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