Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A motif from the book and at least 15 examples of where it is seen in The Kite Runner.Please list the exact page and quote where you see the motif....

Scars, both psychological and
physical, is a recurring motif in The Kite Runner. Here are 15

  • The harelip that mars Hassan's smiling face is
    mentioned often.

  • Hassan, like many other characters, endures
    mental scars; his come from the attack and rape by Assef.

  • The
    physical scars that can be found on Hassan's father, Ali.

  • Baba has
    a huge scar on his back (possibly from fighting a black

  • Amir has many emotional scars, primarily from his betrayal
    of Hassan.

  • Amir later receives numerous scars from his beating by

  • Sohrab has many mental scars from his treatment at the
    hands of the Taliban.

  • Sohrab retains the physical scars following
    his suicide attempt.

  • Soraya has mental scars from her past,
    primarily from her love affair that went awry back in

  • Kabul--and all of Afghanistan--is scarred by the long
    warring at the hands of the Russians and, later, the

  • Farid, Amir's driver during his return to Afghanistan,
    has scars from wounds received fighting with the Northern

  • Sanaubar, Hassan's mother, returns after a long absence
    with horrible scars on her face.

  • Kamal, one of Assef's companions
    during their attack on Hassan, suffers psychological scars after he, too, is sexually attacked by
    Russian soldiers.

  • Khanum Taheri, the general's wife, suffers a
    stroke and a resulting speech disability after her daughter runs

  • Farzana, Hassan's wife, is murdered by the Taliban.

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