Sunday, October 11, 2015

What is Hawthorne's point about the governors? Does he seem to find fault with them? Why or why not?A straight forward answer would be...

The Scarlet Letter is very obviously a
novel which speaks out about the general hypocrisy of the Puritan leaders, most notably the
governors.  Hawthorne shows this in nearly every scene in which Governor Bellingham is

After meeting this character in Chapter 2 at the first
scaffold scene we see that he is an equal proponent of religion and law.  He condemns Hester
Prynne before the eyes of everyone, and when he cannot get a response from her, he defaults to
the minister hoping his relationship with her (as a congregant) will help. 
Later, in Chapter 8, we see that the governor wishes to take Pearl away from her mother,
suspecting Hester is not raising Pearl according to proper Puritan

While acting as a "stern magistrate" over all things both
legal and holy (for to him, these are one and the same) he himself is not living up to the
standards he demands of his citizens.  For example, he wishes the colonists to live simple and
pious lives, not drawing attention to themselves with fancy clothes and houses.  He lives in a
highly decorated house and wears the most elaborately decorated clothes of anyone in town (made
by Hester).  In addition to the general attention he draws to himself by this alone, he also
spends one day a year (Election Day) celebrating himself and his

In short, Governor Bellingham (representing the
magistrates of the time in general) is willing to issue decrees, punishments, and advice about
how to live a "pure" life, but he is unwilling to practice exactly what he preaches.  This
hypocrisy is one of the themes for which Hawthorne is most famous as a Romantic

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