Saturday, October 3, 2015

Analyze Atticus's conversation with his neighbors, what "weapons" does he try to use in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Atticus Finch, of Harper Lee's masterpiece To
Kill a Mockingbird
, treats all people the same

Atticus is a man who is led by a moral compass that
never fails him under any circumstance. Scout reports that she has never heard him raise
his voice. Whether he approves of another person's actions or not, Atticus remains
constant: quiet and respectful.

With his friends, like Miss
Maudie, Atticus is cordial and good-humored. For people like Miss Stephanie and Mrs.
Dubose, he goes out of his way to be positive and/or complimentary. Atticus gives advice
to Jem, specifically, on how he should act with Mrs.

does it son, son...She's an old lady and she's ill. You just hold your head high and be
a gentleman. Whatever she says to you, it's your job not to let her make you

And in meeting the
cantankerous woman himself,


Atticus would sweep off his hat, wave gallantly
to her and say, 'Good evening, Mrs. Dubose! You look like a picture this

When the men from
Atticus' community come to speak with him about defending Tom Robinson, Atticus listens
quietly and responds the same way. When the mob comes to the jail to lynch Tom Robinson,
Atticus is calm and gracious in addressing the men before him. He becomes fearful when
the children arrive, instructing them to leave, but he does not raise his voice even
when they refuse to do so. (Scout ultimately diffuses the tension—and the group—as
quietly as Atticus might have.)

Perhaps the clearest
example of Atticus' ability to rise above the behavior of others without losing his
temper is the way he acts when Bob Ewell spits in his face and threatens to kill him.
Atticus' only response later is:


I wish Bob Ewell wouldn't chew

And later, that was
Atticus' only comment about the incident. However...


Miss Stephanie said Atticus didn't bat an eye,
just took out his handkerchief  and wiped his face and stood there and let Mr. Ewell
call him names wild horses could not bring her to

and then

his hands in his pockets and strolled on. Miss Stephanie said you had to haind it to
Atticus Finch, he could be right dry

Atticus' only
weapons are his integrity; his belief that to understand others you must walk in their
skin; and, to "kill others with kindness" regardless of their

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