Thursday, November 19, 2015

Explain this quote in the context of the story. How did these events cause Lizabeth to lose innocence and find compassion for others?Story:...

In the short story "Marigolds," by Eugenia Collier, the
reader is presented with the characters of Miss Lottie, Lizabeth and her brother

The setting of the story is the Great Depression that
began in 1929 with the Stock Market Crash. And while the rest of the world is suffering,
the area in which Lizabeth and Joey reside suffers more than the rest as they had so
little to begin with.

One night Lizabeth hears her father
crying because he cannot find a job. His wife works for white folks up the road, and he
hates not being able to provide for his family. He especially resents charity shown to
them by the family that employs Lizabeth's mother.

This is
the first thing in the story that foreshadows Lizabeth's loss of innocence. To this
point, she has worried about little other than playing, though she also feels that
things are very different between her and the other, younger

Lizabeth becomes frightened by what she hardly
understands and what she has no power to control, and she leaves the house in the middle
of the night with Joey. Without knowing how, she ends up at Miss Lottie's

Miss Lottie has very little, but she has tried to
fight the overpowering sense of poverty and loss with a garden full of marigolds. They
are as bright as the sun, and hopeful as they attempt to not just hang on, but to also
survive and thrive (much like the people in the story). This is the one beautiful thing
in Miss Lottie's life, and in Lizabeth's life as well.

madness seems to overtake Lisabeth, and she rips up the flowers in a fit of pure rage.
Joey yells for her to stop, but her sorrow and fear deafen her to what he says. In a
moment, the garden is destroyed, and apologize as she does, with offers to help fix it
again, Miss Lottie never again grows another marigold.

is at this point that Lizabeth has suddenly turned an important corner in her

She sees the uncertainty and the ugliness of the
world around her, especially in light of her father's

Lizabeth suddenly understands that when you
are a child, you see the world simplistically, in black and white. You do not look below
the surface of what happens around you, but accept everything based upon its

When Lizabeth can no longer do this, her eyes
are opened to life. When she looks at what she has done to Miss Lottie's garden, to that
one corner of the older woman's life that provides a buffer between herself and the hard
world in which she lives, she understands that Miss Lottie now has to face—up close—the
hard reality of her life, without beauty in her world that seemed to alleviate some of
the loneliness and heartache.

Lizabeth sees herself
differently too: in knowing and accepting what she has done, she must accept the
responsibility of it, leaving childhood behind. She is humiliated knowing that she has
done something awful, and more so, has looked into the life of another, no longer
existing in her own little world.

In the face of Miss
Lottie's loss, Lizabeth experiences, for the first time, compassion. This is the feeling
that comes with recognizing someone else's pain. An innocent child cannot do so, having
no grasp of another's suffering, being still very self-centered. But as almost a
grown-up, with an awareness of pain, Lizabeth can understand the enormity of what she
has done—and what cannot be

Collier sees this Lizabeth's
right of passage from the world of a child to the world of an adult who cannot hide from
life's glaring realities any longer.

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